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Supply Chain & Logistics
Discover the latest research trends shaping the supply chain and logistics sector. Our exclusive, regularly updated data provides valuable insights into the challenges and solutions companies are navigating today. Explore key areas such as:
- Sustainability
- Digitalization, Automation & Robotics
- Supply Chain Visibility
- Innovation & Future Trends
- Urban Logistics
- Warehousing & Packaging
- Property Management, and more!
Stay ahead of industry developments with cutting-edge insights that drive informed decision-making and business growth.
Highway Robbery: Insights into the Effect of Electric Vehicles on Road User Charging
Gain access to in-depth analysis and exploration of the latest issues and trends impacting the global tolling & road user charging space. Using novel data, unavailable anywhere else and updated regularly, gain insights into:
- – congestion,
- – tolling,
- – electric vehicles,
- – public opinion,
- – e-tolling, emission-based taxing,
- – distance-based schemes, and much more!