Tolling Asia Pacific: Trends, trials and transformations


The Tolling Asia Pacific: Trends, Trials, and Transformation report provides in-depth insights from tolling schemes across India, Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and beyond. Inside, you’ll discover:

  • How India generated $25 billion in toll revenue in just 9 years
  • Australia’s strategy to shift more drivers to toll roads
  • How India is building a self-financing tolling system
  • Why Indonesia is doubling investment in road infrastructure
  • How governments can push drivers towards public transport
  • Singapore’s ERP system and its role in controlling peak traffic flow
  • The role of road user charging in cutting emissions
  • How private investment can finance toll roads

And much more, including insights from Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, and global case studies on innovative tolling strategies.

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The Tolling Asia Pacific: Trends, Trials, and Transformation report highlights key insights, solutions, and strategies discussed during the Road User Charging Conference, as well as additional analysis on emerging trends and best practices in road user charging.